Tourism Law

What does it consist of?

The Buades Legal Law Firm’s Tourism Law department comprises part of the law firm’s core business, due to the importance of tourism in the Balearic Islands’ economy and the major connections, since its founding, that our firm has maintained with several of the main tourism companies and representative business associations in this sector.

How is it managed in our office?

We implement a comprehensive legal service, with extensive experience, which allows us to provide broad and cross-sectional legal advice on matters that affect the different economic operators who carry out their economic activities in this sector, either in inter-company relations, especially in contracting and commercial agreements, as well as with Public Administrations and before the courts if required. We specialise in preventive legal advice, which permits us to anticipate the problems, with the aim to prevent conflicts between different tourism operators or these parties with their own customers, suppliers or with the Administration.

We closely collaborate with the representative business associations in this sector, defending them within the scopes of their actions.

Due to the extensive nature of the problems that affect tourism, we offer expert legal advice on diverse specific problems (contractual, corporate, environmental and urban planning, intellectual property, regulated activities, etc.).

Legal-technical advice on:

  • Contracting between tourism operators.
  • Acquisitions, leases, and joint-ventures on industries and hotel-restaurant premises, travel agencies, tour operators, transport companies, catering/restaurant businesses, etc.
  • Contracting for hotel-restaurant management.
  • Outsourcing.
  • Relations with the Administration, obtainment of permits, authorisations, filing of appeals in administrative offices and contentious-administrative proceedings.
  • Litigation arising from the activity, acquisitions, contracting and agreements among operators.
  • Expert legal advice in civil liability and consumer affairs, liability for the provision of services.

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