New Technologies and Data Protection Law

What does it consist of?

Our legal firm’s new Technology and Data Protection Department offers consultancy and legal solutions to any company which bases its business model, or part of it, on applying and developing technology and digital media, as well as the protection of all data generated and associated to each process, service or product.

How is it managed in our office?

We work with lawyers who specialise in digital law. They are supported by a team of professionals with ample experience in multiple fields of legal assistance pertaining to financial and commercial matters, thus offering a service of maximum guarantees, both for recently-established start-ups and already-consolidated companies in their transition towards new technological challenges.

Legal-technical advice on:

  • The revision and elaboration of security documents and privacy policies for public and private companies.
  • Projects for adaptation to the General Data Protection Regulation.
  • Strategies for regulatory compliance.
  • The creation of data protection committees in organisations.
  • In-house training programs for Data Protection Managers.
  • Corporate defence in disciplinary proceedings before the Spanish Data Protection Agency (AEPD) and before the contentious-administrative jurisdiction.
  • Protection of personal Data (LOPD) consulting services.
  • Preliminary impact analyses in sensitive or high-risk treatment processes.
  • Management of crises deriving from security breaches (compulsory notifications to the AEPD and those affected).
  • Intellectual property in the technological and digital sphere.
  • E-commerce.
  • Technological recruitment.
  • Technical disputes.

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