Labour Law and Social Security

What does it consist of?

Buades Legal’ Labour Area covers all possible social and labour needs that companies may need to address as part of their everyday business activity.

How is it managed in our office?

Our professionals in this field of expertise offer advice to both companies and private individuals, providing a range of innovative solutions adapted to the specific circumstances of labour relations, including everything from effective organisation to the challenges of implementing the ever-changing legal regulations.

In addition, we boast secure collaboration agreements with a whole team of professionals, which gives us support in the fields that we don’t cover ourselves, such as social security contributions and occupational risk management and prevention.

Legal-technical advice on:

Our professional services stand out for their maximum versatility and specialisation in the legal and employment fields, including, among other things:

  • Contracting and special employment relationships.
  • Senior management: contracts, special agreements, non-compete and ironclad clauses, inclusion in the company’s organisational structure, termination of executives, etc.
  • Employment regulation, redundancy plans, furlough schemes and staff restructuring.
  • Internal flexibility measures, including geographical and functional mobility and substantial modifications to individual employment conditions.
  • Advice on worker-specific situations (maternity and paternity leave, leaves of absence, temporary incapacity, work and family conciliation measures, etc.).
  • Sanctions, suspensions and termination of individual employment relationships on both objective and disciplinary grounds.
  • Advice on issues related to contracting, subcontracting and third-party supplier relationships.
  • Advice on business succession planning.
  • Assistance with sanctions and cases of negligence before the Spanish General Treasury of Social Security (TGSS) and with inspections by the Labour and Social Security Inspectorate.
  • Advice and defence for workplace accidents, both for the injured employees and the employer; civil liability claims, sanctions, social security benefit surcharges.
  • Collective grievances.
  • Workplace elections and representation.
  • Constant updates regarding the most relevant employment regulations and laws.

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