Teresa Castella López

Teresa Castella López


Spanish, Catalan, English


Degree in Law from the Universidad Central de Barcelona (1978).

Postgraduate studies, specializing in Family Law from the Universitat de les Illes Balears.

University Specialist Diploma in business management for non-economists from the Universitat de les Illes Balears.

She joined the Association of Lawyers of Tarragona in 1978 and in 1983 joined the Association of Lawyers of the Balearic Islands.

Her lengthy professional career has always been accompanied by a strong belief in instilling a value-based family education. This perspective has enabled her to interpret Family Law, a priori, from a position of conciliation.

She always makes room for reading and cinema in her daily routine. Creativity and constant experimentation in areas as varied as interior design and gastronomy provide constant are a source of diversion in her life.


TEL.:+34 971 228 500




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