Sara Lao Torroella


Spanish, Catalan, English


Graduate degree in Law and Business Administration from the International University of Catalonia (UIC) in 2019-2020.

She obtained a Master’s degree in Access to the Legal Profession at Pompeu Fabra University (UPF) in 2021.

Master’s degree in Mergers and Acquisitions, Corporate and Financial Management at the Higher Institute of Law and Economics (ISDE) in 2023.

She has enhanced her legal training with several courses of a varied nature, most notably, Personnel Selection, Human Resources Management and Services at the Antonio de Nebrija University (Madrid, 2019), a course on Management Skills and Competences at the same university (Madrid, 2019) and finally an online course on Justice taught by Harvard University (2020).

She has joined the law firm, Buades Legal, to pursue her passion, the practice of law.

Beyond the professional sphere, sports, volunteer work with non-profit foundations and animals occupy her time when she is not dedicated to her ongoing career training


TEL.:+34 971 229 412


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