Criminal law and Crime Prevention (Compliance)

What does it consist of?

The Buades Legal Law Firm’s Criminal Law and Crime Prevention (Compliance) department was created upon the founding of the law firm, which based its legal practice on criminal defence. The Law Firm provides its clients, individuals and companies with expert defence or accusation in criminal courts, in all fields and jurisdictions.

We have created a Crime Prevention Department (Compliance) focused on the implementation and revision of the Crime Prevention and Management Model, with the professional aim to equip companies with effective regulatory compliance programmes to prevent criminal conduct, the prevention of criminal risks, administrative sanctions which at the same time, provides them with greater assurance of their assets, the elimination or reduction of reputational risks and we help to achieve a better assessment and positioning in public or private tender processes.

How is it managed in our office?

The criminal law practice is carried out by highly qualified legal experts, with experience and knowledge in this field, jointly with newly incorporated professionals who are specialised in the criminal field.

For expert crime prevention advice (Compliance), our Law Firm has hired and specialised in professionals with expert knowledge of the business sector and criminal law, jointly with expert specialists who develop their legal practice based on employer assessment and if required, external collaborators; we are ideally situated to provide expert legal advice on diverse matters which converge in business risks (data protection, environment, money laundering, corporate governance, etc.).

Legal-technical advice on:

  • Professional negligence, with a special focus on injuries and crimes against the workers’ safety.
  • Intimacy and crimes against honour
  • The patrimony and socio-economic order, fraud, misappropriation, punishable insolvency proceedings, fraudulent practices and corporate crimes.
  • Public Treasury and Social Security
  • Intellectual and Industrial Property, the market and consumers as well as disclosure of secrets
  • Land use planning, urban planning, environmental protection, natural resources and historical heritage
  • Falsehoods and usurpations
  • Public Administration and Justice.
  • Road safety.

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