Land Use Planning, Urban Planning and Environmental Law

What does it consist of?

The Buades Legal Law Firm’s Land Use Planning, Urban Planning and Environmental Law Department provides expert legal advice to private individuals, companies and institutions with interests in the sector, in legal issues both in and out of court.

How is it managed in our office?

Our extensive team of professionals, with highly trained educational backgrounds and extensive experience, allow us to provide a premium quality legal service, as well as to create, when thus required by the circumstances, multi-disciplinary work teams comprised by the leading experts in our law firm’s diverse departments.

Legal-technical advice on:

Land Use Planning and Urban Planning

  • Land Use Planning and Urban Planning. Plans and Instruments.
  • General Urban planning and development.
  • Urban development management. Planning execution. Constitution and development of Compensation Boards and other collaborator urban development entities. Plot sub-division adjustment projects
  • Action implementations in Rural Land. Declarations of General Interest.
  • Expropriation proceedings.
  • Compensations for planning amendments or due to exceptional connections.
  • Urban development agreements.
  • Implementation of activities and uses. Urban development and activity permits.
  • Declarations of responsible parties and preliminary notifications.
  • Urban development discipline.
  • Sanctioning case-files and re-establishment of the urban development legality.
  • Urban development audits.
  • Actions and defence in administrative and jurisdictional appeals.
  • Historical heritage and municipal catalogues.
  • Tourism planning and authorisations.
  • Coasts legislation.

Environmental Law

  • Expert legal consultancy in matters related to Environmental Law, including regulations related to specific regulated sectors, such as mining or energy.
  • Preparation of studies and reports, expert legal-administrative advice and professional legal defence in court trials focused on polluted land.
  • Proceedings and challenges of the acts of the Environmental Administration in the matters of environmental impact assessments, classified activities and economic activities.
  • Processing of environmental authorisations and permits.
  • Environmental liability proceedings.
  • Noise pollution.

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