International Desk

What does it consist of?

The Buades Legal Law Firm’s International Desk comprises comprehensive legal advice for investments made by private individuals and legal entities from other countries; its main activity is focused on the issues of Mercantile Law and Real Estate Property Law.

How is it managed in our office?

The International Desk is comprised by lawyers and administrative staff who combine their legal expertise, with fluent German and English language skills, among others, who are also perfectly aware of the cultural traditions and habits of the aforementioned countries which include expert knowledge of both legal systems. For this purpose, they ensure that the professional services to the client are always carried out in their native language as a way to guarantee the closest personal service.

Legal-technical advice on:

Real Estate, building and urban planning:

  • Sale-purchase operations on real estate properties and real estate companies.
  • Expert Tax advice in real estate property transactions.
  • Works execution contracts, technical consultancy, architecture, engineering and project management, as well as construction management.
  • Permits.
  • Urban development expertise.

Likewise, we also provide expert legal advice in:

  • Inheritances and Donations
  • Mercantile contracting
  • Shareholder and Corporate law
  • Tourism law

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