Public Law

What does it consist of?

The Buades Legal Law Firm’s Public Law Department provides expert legal advice in the matters of public law, the legal relations of companies, professional and business associations, private individuals and all agents who interact with the different Public Administrations, as well as inter-administrative links.

We provide expert legal advice to public sector entities, in all required matters, with special attention focused on public service providers, the organisation and operation of public organisations, including public and municipal corporations, consortiums, foundations and other instrument companies.

How is it managed in our office?

We are fully aware that the relations with public administrations require effective consultancy services; we facilitate fluent negotiations and guarantee the defence of our clients’ rights and interests against the extensive powers of the Administration.

Our lawyers regularly provide expert advice in practices linked to regulated sectors and we represent our public and private clients in constitutional proceedings and contentious-administrative proceedings, as well as in public contracting matters at the administrative and procedural level.

Due to the recurrent nature of our professional practice, we have proven experience in the public contracting sector, including the analysis and preparation of administrative specifications, monitoring of the contracting processes and the write-up of the clauses, contracts and all types of contractual documents.

Our professional advice also covers the administrative legal sanctions which have such major importance due to the multiple cases and the importance of the penalty amounts and other punitive measures derived from administrative actions.

Legal-technical advice on:

  • Public contracting in all its phases: public tenders, execution, termination and settlement of contracts.
  • Expert legal advice to public and private entities in the analysis and preparation of the administrative legislation which can affect their activity sectors.
  • Expert legal advice in specific sectors (administrative, consumer, pharmaceutical law, etc., as well as coasts and shoreline matters); studies of standards, procedures, administrative concessions, permits, authorisations and special administrative requirements.
  • Administrative aid and subsidies.
  • Sanctioning case-files.
  • Assessment of all types of judgements and reports on administrative law.
  • Legal representative supervision of all types of proceedings and appeals both in the administrative channel as well as in the contentious-administrative channel.
  • Liability of public administrations.
  • Appeal for legal protection due to infringement of fundamental rights.
  • Judgements about the constitutionality of laws and other provisions with the force of law.
  • Revision and challenge of cadastral assessments.
  • Legal representative supervision of all types of proceedings and appeals both in the administrative channel as well as in the contentious-administrative channel in taxation issues.

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