Family, Succession and Balearic Regional Law

What does it consist of?

Buades Legal’ Family Law practice area offers personalised legal advice to individuals on all their family matters, whether couple- or inheritance-related.

How is it managed in our office?

Our professionals are always available and fully personally involved, ensuring that clients feel able to express their worries and concerns and feel protected at all times.

Legal-technical advice on:

Divorce and separation

  • Negotiation and mediation aimed at reaching agreements on the fundamental issues giving rise to the matrimonial crisis
  • Child custody and visitation rights
  • Allocation of use of the marital home and, where applicable, a second home. Allocation of household effects
  • Child maintenance payments
  • Maintenance payments to ex-spouse and possible compensation for asset imbalance
  • Division of jointly-held assets, whether held under joint, separate or other marital property legislation
  • Application for a court ruling on the separation, only when a couple is unable to arrive at an amicable agreement
  • Drawing up of separation agreements covering all aspects
  • Requests for compliance with visitation orders
  • Requests for payment of maintenance owing, using legal proceedings to order the freezing of assets if necessary
  • Recognition and enforcement of divorce decrees issued by foreign courts


  • Wills
  • Forced heirship
  • Bequests.
  • Intestate succession

Balearic regional law

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